Can you warm up cold brew coffee?

Yes, you can heat cold brew coffee. Cold brew is smooth in flavor, but that does not mean it has to be enjoyed only as an iced beverage. It seems contrary to standard coffee. Heating cold brew coffee can be a great way to enjoy it. 

Heating cold brew makes the coffee react with oxygen more quickly, degrading the flavor. However, you can still make a large batch of cold brew coffee, diluting it with hot water when you need it rather than making more cups of regular hot brewed coffee than you need and reheating it. That way, you maintain the taste.

Warming up coffee is not only for the sake of enjoying warm coffee. One of the reasons to consider heating cold brew coffee is that cold brew is lower in acidity and sweeter than other brewing methods. So, it is a good option if you desire those qualities.

Hot Water

Most cold brew coffee is concentrated, meaning you can add water before drinking it. Hot water is the best method to heat cold brew coffee because the chances of burning it are low. Even if it does not get your desired heat, you can still try another method without spoiling your coffee. 

Burning coffee gives you an unpleasant bitter taste. Heat water to the point of boiling and add it to your cold brew coffee, then add creamer or sugar as you would with regular coffee. When making cold brew concentrate, use a 1:3 to 1:5 ratio of coffee to water. 

It does not matter if you drink it hot or cold. You need to dilute the concentrate. Mixing coffee with hot water is the easiest way to make heated cold brew coffee. All you need to do is add boiling water to your concentrate. 


  1. Heat the water either on a stove or in an electric kettle.
  2. Preheat your cup with boiling water to avoid a drawback when warming your coffee.
  3. Pour one part of cold brew concentrate into the cup.
  4. Add two parts of hot water to the concentrate.
  5. Stir it and enjoy your hot brew coffee.


If your cold brew coffee is not concentrated, the microwave can warm up cold brew coffee. Microwave it in 30-second increments. Heat it until it is hot enough to enjoy. Be careful not to let it boil or burn, which will change the taste. Use caution when using a microwave and use a microwave-safe mug.

It is not everyone that you have your coffee in concentrate form. If you have a ready-to-drink cold brew, you can use a microwave to heat the coffee in a minute. However, be careful not to heat it for too long since that will affect the flavor.

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The benefit of using a microwave to heat coffee is it is quick. However, you might avoid microwaving your coffee since it ruins the drink’s nutrients. 

Only use a microwave to heat the ready-to-drink cold brew, not the concentrate. Getting the right temperature using a microwave will leave the flavors of the heated cold brew coffee intact, meaning it retains the smooth, rich flavor of the original cold brew. For the concentrate, follow the steps above using the hot water method.

Espresso maker

Froth the cold brew coffee using an espresso maker with a steam wand. You can froth the cold brew the same way you would milk. Place the steam wand’s tip into the surface of the coffee, adding air to the cold brew and creating bubbles. Steam it using this method if you want a crema-like foam on the top.

If you heat the coffee with a steam wand, it will dilute the coffee as the steam gets into the coffee and becomes a hot liquid. The bubbles will not last long if you use the steam you want. To avoid bubbles, insert the steam wand into the coffee.

However, the steam’s high temperature and any residual water or milk from the wand cause an unpleasant flavor.

Use an Urn

An urn is a classic way to heat a cup of coffee. It uses water as a heat source. Get your urn online or in a local store. Make sure to follow the instructions regarding temperature and how long you will need to leave it on. No microwave is required. If your office is a large workforce with lots of people, then an urn is an efficient way of providing hot water for everyone (

The Beverage Warmer

If you want to keep your cold brew coffee warm, you can use a beverage warmer. That is a convenient method if you are out on the go and need an afternoon pick-me-up. However, make sure that the mug is metal for compatibility with beverage warmers.

The French Press

A French press is another way to heat your cold brew. A French press is a manual coffee maker (Good housekeeping French Press Guide). Fill your French press up with hot water, place the lid on, and let it sit for a few minutes. After this, brew as you would do with hot water, and you are good to go.

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A Vacuum Flask

A vacuum flask is another way to keep your cold brew warm for a few hours. Fill up the flask with hot water before adding the coffee concentrate so that your cold brew stays warm for a long.


A thermos is a way to keep your cold brew hot without it getting too hot. They are convenient for taking with you on the go, as you can store your cold brew in the thermos and bring it with you to work or school. For better results, use a stainless steel thermos so that it does not get too warm from all of the heat, and you will not have spills. Use a medium-grade coffee if you plan on using this method.

Best method


If you have a cold brew or cold brew concentrate, you can heat it on the stovetop. Add the cold brew to a saucepan and add water if necessary. The amount of water added depends on how you want it. Then heat it on low-medium heat and make sure it does not boil. Once it is hot enough, pour it into a mug and adjust it to your liking with cream or hot water and sugar.

Heat it to between 158F (70C) to 167F (75C) so that the coffee will not burn but will still be very hot. One drawback of this method is it takes too long and is cumbersome, especially if you do not have a thermometer. That is why a microwave is the best for a morning cup of coffee.


Cold-brew lasts for two weeks.

Safe Temperatures

When using hot water for brewing, coffee compounds are extracted easily because of the temperature. Hot water has more energy than cold water, so chemical reactions accelerate as elements dissolve more easily.

Some acidic molecules require a higher brewing temperature, which explains why many people find cold brew smoother and less bitter or acidic than hot brewed coffee. Most food has to be heated to a temperature to be considered safe. Explain what the temperature is for the food in question


Is it OK to heat cold brew coffee?

Yes, you can heat a cold brew, and it can still taste great if done right. However, you should not add ice to your nitro. 

That means that heating your cold brew will not affect it. The only change is in temperature. Heating up cold brew also will not change its caffeine composition. Warming up cold brew coffee allows you to enjoy your favorite brewing method in the cold winter months.

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