What to do with expired almonds
Almonds are a great snack and addition to a healthy diet. They are rich in nutrients, including fiber and protein, and delicious. However, they can become stale and taste bad after their expiration date. Do not eat them, and follow some tips for proper storage. Almonds go rancid because almonds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids.
These are for a heart-healthy diet. These fats become rancid when almonds are exposed to atmospheric oxygen, especially at room temperature. Rancid oil makes stale almonds taste bad. Spoiled almonds aren’t toxic, but the fats are no longer helpful. Rancid fat can lead to chronic health problems if consumed frequently.
Almonds have a longer shelf life than other nuts because they contain some phytochemical antioxidants that protect the nuts. However, that does not mean they will not spoil. So if the almonds taste bad, it’s time to throw them away. This article is about perfect storage, extending shelf life, creative uses for expired almonds, and the associated risks.
Why do almonds expire?
Shelf life of almonds
Almonds are shelf-stable nuts with more than two years of shelf life when stored in ideal conditions. Maintain 6% moisture content to preserve shelf life. A cool temperature of 50°F/10°C is optimal, but a higher temperature does not stimulate insect activity to control moisture migration.

Factors that contribute to almond expiration
- High storage temperatures
- Increased moisture
- Light
- Metals
How to tell if almonds have gone bad
Look for the usual signs of spoilage, like mold or dark specks (Healthline.com). Also, give your almonds a smell. If the nuts smell like rancid oil, they have expired, and you should discard them.
Risks of consuming expired almonds
Potential health risks associated with consuming expired almonds
Spoiled almonds will likely not make you sick, but the fats will no longer contain health benefits. Keep the seeds in the refrigerator or freeze them for a prolonged stay.
How to protect yourself from contaminated almonds
Do not expose them to heat or allow their surface temperature to drop.
Importance of proper storage
Almonds should be stored in an airtight container. The best way is to store them in the refrigerator or freezer. Avoid keeping almonds at room temperature for a long time. Your pantry is not a viable idea. However, you can take enough out of storage for a day or two while keeping the rest safe and fresh.
Reusing expired almonds
Importance of reusing food waste
Expired almonds are converted into fertilizers for agriculture. The gasses produced by rotting food can also be collected and converted into natural energy forms, offering a more environmentally-friendly alternative to fossil fuels. That reduces the amount of waste thrown into the community dustbins, making the environment cleaner and fresh air.
Different ways to reuse expired almonds
Almond milk or almond flour
You can make almond milk with almond flour or almond milk. Making almond milk from almond flour requires straining the almond pulp from the almond milk using a blender (Medicalnewstoday.com). That eliminates the soaking time; you can make almond milk in less than 10 minutes.
Add almond flour and water to a high-speed blender. Add dates, vanilla, and a pinch of salt, if you desire sweet almond milk. Blend the ingredients and strain the almond milk.
Almond butter or almond pesto
Combine basil, Parmesan cheese, almonds, olive oil, and garlic in a food processor. Pulse until blended. Pour more olive oil, with the processor running, until the pesto is thick and smooth. Pesto is made with pine nuts or a substitute for an equal amount of almonds, pecans, cashews, or even hazelnuts.
Almond brittle or almond-crusted fish
Almond-crusted fish infuses flavor with multiple herbs and seasonings, then bake it. Use 100g blanched almonds, 1 tsp finely grated lime rind, 1 1/2 tbsp finely chopped dill, 20g softened butter, and salt.
Using expired almonds for non-food purposes
Explanation of non-food uses for expired almonds
Expired almonds contain B vitamins that contribute to the maintenance of normal skin. Almonds offer 25% of the Daily Value for riboflavin and 6% of the Daily value for niacin. Almonds are a source of copper, which plays a role in skin and hair pigmentation. Linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid, helps prevent skin dryness.
DIY projects using expired almonds
Homemade soap or body scrub
Mix the oil/aloe vera gel and coffee grounds in a small bowl. Apply to damp skin and gently massage the skin for up to 10 minutes. The coffee grounds can be washed in the shower and will even help to unclog the drain.
Almond oil for skin care or haircare
Place the almonds into your blender. The almonds should be dry and fresh. Make sure your blender is clean. Start at low speed so that the almonds are blended slowly and carefully. Pause the blender and clean the buildup. Blend the almonds at high speed. Add olive oil and transfer the mixture into a container.
Almond shells for compost or gardening
Put all nuts, seeds, and shells into your green cart for composting, including almonds and other tree nuts. Almond hulls and shells release potassium into the soil when they are surface applied as organic matter amendments in the orchard.

Donating expired almonds
Food donation programs
Food banks collect, sort, and store donations and distribute food to local food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, and meal programs. Food pantries and meal programs in the network then distribute the food to individuals and families in their communities. The question is, can you donate expired almonds? Donating expired almonds pose a risk of food poisoning, so they should be discarded.
How to find local food banks that accept expired food
Food banks help cut down food waste and alleviate food insecurity by distributing food labeled “expired.” Food banks that accept past-date food often have strict rules about which products are acceptable and how far past the date is.
Guidelines for donating expired almonds
- Donors must list if an item contains or has come into contact with any of the following allergens: milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts such as almonds, walnuts, pecans, peanuts, wheat, soy, and sesame.
- All donations are monitored for food safety standards in storage, packaging, transit, and receiving.
- Keep donated food within food-safe temperatures.
- Food portal users should familiarize themselves with packaged food codes and dates and list them in the item description.
- Free food safety classes for community kitchen workers are provided.
- Food portal users should not list or accept donations that are unsafe or of poor quality.
Benefits of donating expired food
- Feeding people
- No landfills
- Supporting local communities
- Saving all the resources from going to waste
Recycling expired almonds
Recycling options for expired almonds
- You can compost almonds.
- Make DIY crafts
- Make bird feeders
How to properly recycle almond packaging
Recycling almond milk cartons lies between plastic and paper recycling as a combination of both materials. The cartons are disposed of at the disposal point or the recycling bin at the curbside. Dispose after removing the cap and rinsing off leftover milk from the cartons. Keep a lookout for parcel tape, as this is not recyclable.
Alternative uses for almond packaging.
- Almond shells can be used as bedding for garden planters and landscape material similar to wood chips.
- They are sold to co-generation plants as a fuel source.
In conclusion, Almonds are a part of your diet, but to get their full benefits, they do need to be stored properly. However, if an almond tastes bad, you should not eat it. That means it has expired and is not healthy for consumption. Chances are low that you will get sick from expired almonds. If you do not want to risk your health, you may use almonds for non-food usage.
Are expired almonds safe to eat?
No, eating spoiled almonds causes food poisoning. Almonds can become rancid over time due to their high-fat content, which can cause them to develop a bad taste and odor. In some cases, expired almonds can also develop mold, posing a health risk if consumed. Eating expired, spoiled almonds can lead to food poisoning and should be avoided. It’s always advisable to check the expiration date on food before consuming it and throw away expired products that show signs of spoilage.
How long do almonds last before they expire?
Almonds have a relatively long shelf life and can last up to two years or more if stored properly. They have a shelf life of more than two years. It should be noted, however, that the flavor and texture of almonds may diminish over time, even if they are technically still safe to eat. To extend the shelf life of almonds, they should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Also, before buying or eating almonds, it is advisable to check the expiration date on the packaging to ensure they are still within the recommended shelf life.
Can I use expired almonds in baking?
Yes, but the results may not be the same for fresh tonsils. Expired almonds can still technically be used for baking, but the results may not be the same as using fresh, unexpired almonds. Depending on how long the almonds have expired, they may have lost some flavor, texture or nutritional value. In addition, if the almonds have gone rancid or have developed mold, they should not be used for baking or consumption. It is always advisable to check the expiration date on food before using it for cooking or baking and to discard expired products that show signs of spoilage.
Can I compost almond shells?
Yes, you can compost all nuts, seeds and shells in your green garbage can. Almond shells can be composted with other organic matter, such as fruits, vegetables and garden waste. When composting almond hulls, avoid mixing them with non-compostable materials such as plastic packaging or other contaminants. Almond shells are considered a “brown” material when composted, meaning they are a suitable carbon source. It’s always a good idea to check with your local composting program or waste management agency to see what materials can be composted in your area.
Where can I donate expired almonds?
You can donate to food banks. However, it’s essential to ensure the almonds are still edible before donating. If the almonds have gone rancid or mould, it’s better to dispose of them safely and appropriately rather than donate them. It’s always a good idea to check with your local food bank for specific donation guidelines and to ensure they accept expired food donations.