Can you reheat kedgeree

You can reheat kedgeree for the next day or use it for fried rice, stuffed peppers, pudding, tart or pie crust, and other dishes. Freeze and reheat it once. 

You can cook up kedgeree the night before. When you are next grilling fish for one meal, make extra to be ahead of the game for this dish. The dish has multiple components. One of them is boiled eggs, and you are allowed to prepare them in advance. Below are methods you can use to reheat kedgeree.


Start by defrosting kedgeree and always defrost in the fridge overnight. That prevents the rice from coming up to room temperature, where the spores in rice can become bacteria that cannot be killed by cooking.

Kedgeree can be reheated by either boiling it until it is soft or by microwaving it for a short time. Microwave is the best method when reheating kedgeree. Do not defrost kedgeree on the countertop due to the high risk at room temperature.


Once defrosted, choose the method convenient to you. A quick and easy way to reheat kedgeree is the microwave. Heat on high for 5-7 minutes. Keep stirring to avoid hotspots. Ensure the kedgeree is piping hot before serving. Note that you only reheat kedgeree once. If there are any leftovers after this, they should be away.

It is best to serve rice as soon as it has been cooked, but when serving reheated rice, ensure to check the temperature reaches 74℃ or 165℉ and follow the safe procedure to store the leftover before reheating (


Ensure that the kedgeree is piping hot in the center. Cover with tin foil and bake in a moderate oven, 160°C, for 10-15 minutes. As the microwave method is for smaller servings, the oven is best if you are reheating rice for more than one person (


  1. Bring a small saucepan of water to a boil.
  2. Add your kedgeree and boil. Turn the heat down to simmer, and below to heat with the lid on for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove the pot from the heat, cover with a tight-fitting lid, and leave to rest for 10 minutes.
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Store it in the fridge as soon as possible as rice should not be at room temperature. Keep in the refrigerator for one day. You can reheat it but make sure it is piping hot all the way through. Kedgeree can be frozen for up to one month. Cooked eggs do not freeze well as they get rubbery, so leave them out.

Kedgeree can be made up to three months ahead, provided it is frozen less than an hour after. You can keep your dish in the fridge for 2 -3 days. You can get food poisoning from eating reheated rice, but in this regard, it is not the reheating that can cause issues. It is the way that the rice has been beforehand.

Rice can contain spores resistant to heat and can survive the cooking process. If cooked rice is left standing at room temperature, these spores can grow into bacteria. The bacteria can be destroyed by reheating the rice thoroughly.

Because the dish has eggs and fish, items that spoil rapidly, put any leftovers or unused portions in the fridge within an hour of making it. Be sure the rice is hot all the way through before serving the leftovers. Keep in an airtight container and use within a day or two of preparation.

When freezing the kedgeree, portion the leftovers and place them in freezer bags. Do not freeze any of the hard-boiled eggs. Take out as much air as you can from the bags and put them in the freezer. When reheating kedgeree, make fresh hard-boiled eggs to garnish.

Safe Temperatures

When you reheat any rice, always check it is steaming hot all the way through. Freezing rice can cause it to become less absorbent. Most food has to be heated to a temperature to be considered safe. Kedgeree is eaten hot or cold ( 

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How Long Does Kedgeree Keep In The Fridge?

Kedgeree can be kept in the fridge for 2-3 days after being made. Make sure it cools quickly and refrigerates within an hour. It can then be reheated or eaten cold from the fridge.

Can I Freeze Kedgeree?

Yes, you can. Take precautions as it is a rice dish. Kedgeree can be frozen to be eaten again at a later date. That is a way to prevent food waste if you do not eat all the kedgeree you have made.

How Long Does Kedgeree Keep In The Fridge?

Kedgeree can be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, provided it is cooled quickly and returned to the refrigerator within an hour. It can then be reheated or eaten cold from the refrigerator.

Can I Freeze Kedgeree?

Yes, kedgeree can be frozen and then reheated, but you should only do this once. You do need to take precautions as it is a rice dish. Kedgeree can be frozen to be eaten again at a later date. That is a great way to prevent food waste if you don’t think you’ll eat all the kedgeree you have made.

Can I Make Kedgeree Ahead of Time?

Yes, kedgeree can stay up to three months ahead, provided you freeze less than an hour. Keep it in the fridge for 2 -3 days.

How To Freeze Kedgeree

Kedgeree is simple to freeze if you follow the steps. Extra care is needed as kedgeree contains rice. Freeze within an hour of cooking if you are making ahead. Cool the kedgeree before freezing. Split the dish into smaller portions to speed up this process. When freezing leftovers, make sure they have not been out at room temperature for more than an hour.


  1. Place the kedgeree in a zip-lock bag or Tupperware freezer container. The size of your portions depends on how you want it when you defrost it to eat again.
  2. Label the kedgeree and include the freezing date.
  3. Kedgeree will last in the freezer for around three months.

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