Can you reheat grits?

Yes, you can reheat grits. Grits are cereal made from corn, water, and salt. They can be a breakfast or a side dish. You can reheat grits on the stove, microwave, or oven. You should know how to reheat grits.

You cannot keep stirring the grits constantly when using the microwave and the oven. Take the dish out every 30 seconds, and stir the grits around, so they do not dry out. Check on their consistency. That prevents the grits from sticking to the bottom of the dish. This article gives you more tips on reheating grits.


A microwave is another way of reheating grits but does not heat as thoroughly as the stove. However, it is faster and more convenient. The meal sometimes gets tough if you are not careful in reheating.


  1. Add the water, broth, or milk into the grits before placing them in the microwave. Fresh milk gives you a creamy and delicious dish. Grits cooked in plain water are easier to reheat because you do not have to worry about the milk that will burn during reheating (
  2. Use a microwave-safe dish.
  3. Turn the heat setting on the microwave to medium, and the grits should warm up within a minute. If not, reheat again for 30 seconds at a time until you feel that they are warmed. 
  4. Heating the grits a few 30 seconds at a time and not in one go helps your dish warm up more evenly because it allows the heat to settle inside the grits.
  5. When warm enough, serve immediately.


Another way of reheating grits is with the oven. The oven keeps the creamy texture and its original flavor. Use this method with caution since grits can dry out or thicken. For best results, add the milk or water in small quantities at a time so that you do not risk making the mixture too thin and losing its consistency. 

The oven method is ideal for a large batch of grits. Keep checking and stirring so the mixture will not be too thick or lumped. Add more milk or water and more ingredients such as toppings to your grits ( That covers the different tastes you get from reheated grits and brings more flavor to your dish. 

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  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and place the grits in an oven-friendly container for a few minutes. 
  2. Mix the water, milk, or broth into the grits before placing the dish into the oven. Adjust the amount of the liquid according to your preference. You can also add heavy cream and butter for extra creaminess.
  3. Place a lid on the container so the moisture does not escape and dry the grits out.
  4. If you want them even hotter, turn up the temperature by 25 degrees F each time you remove the cover to check. That also browns your cheese.

Best method to reheat grits

The best way to reheat grits is on the stovetop because that is where the initial dish was made. Scrape the bottom to prevent the grits from sticking to it. Give the right amount of heat and be watchful until heated with a stovetop. This method takes less cooking time, only if there is enough heat control and liquid.

Once the grits heat up, you can add extras to it. Add a bit of butter or cheese or even some bacon pieces. That gives grits a new flavor altogether.


  1. Place grits in a saucepan on low heat.
  2. Add some water and milk or broth. Measure out one cup of cold water for every cup of grits in your bowl, and pour them into the boiling water.
  3. Keep stirring the mixture until you get the same consistency as your original dish. Add the water or milk slowly to ensure you do not make the grit mixture too watery. There should be enough as you leave room for evaporation during heating.
  4. Sometimes the mixture is still clumpy or too thin. Add heating time or liquid till you have the right consistency. 
  5. Heat the grits on the stovetop for two to three minutes to ensure you do not burn them.
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You can keep leftover grits for a month in the freezer and five to six days in the fridge. When storing grits in the freezer, you should put them in a bowl or container and cover them with plastic wrap to keep the air inside. Keeping grits in the fridge for more than a week exposes your grits to bacterial growth. Avoid using perishable ingredients.

When you store them in the fridge, use all the precautions and heat them thoroughly before serving. Store them in containers that only have one to two servings of grits when freezing. That makes it easier to reheat what you need because freezing grits that have already reheated a few times can tamper with the taste.

Safe Temperatures

You will need a temperature of around 350 degrees Fahrenheit to reheat grits.


How to tell when Grits have gone bad?

When the grits color turns yellow, or if the dish tastes bitter, the grits have gone bad. They have a sour odor. Discard the dish.

Can you freeze cooked grits?

Yea, you can. Use a cooking pan to cool your grits. Spray it with non-stick cooking spray, spread the cooked grits into the pan, then top it with cheese. Cover your dish with foil and let it cool before freezing. You can store them for up to 1 month.

How long can you keep cooked grits in a fridge?

Cooked grits can last in the refrigerator for 5 to 6 days maximum. If you add other perishable ingredients to the grits, they make the grits shelf life shorter.

Is it safe to reheat grits?

Yes, it is. Once the grits are warm, you can safely consume them. Eating leftover grits is not the same as eating freshly cooked grits. There are chances of having changes in the texture. Pick a method that gives creamy consistency.

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