Are you supposed to reheat sushi?

Sushi can be reheated without any adverse health effects if stored correctly. However, in terms of food safety and quality, it is often best to eat sushi immediately after its crafted. 

To safely reheat the sushi without compromising the texture, it is often best to use a microwave. Set the appliance to medium heat and allow the sushi to warm up for 30 seconds. It is good to practice placing a glass of water next to the sushi. This will maintain the moisture in the fish without overcooking it. You will need to stop and check the sushi every 10 seconds. You can gauge the temperature using your hands to check if it is ready. Depending on the quantity you are warming, it is best to have a higher temperature to prevent drying out the edges of fish and other fillings. 

Sushi Reheating Instructions

  1. Place the sushi on a microwave-safe plate, and space out the sushi pieces. 
  2. Put a small mug with water next to the sushi dish to improve the moisture. 
  3. Heat the sushi for a maximum of thirty seconds but check its readiness every 10 seconds. 
  4. Once the dish reaches room temperature of 68-72°F (20-22°C), you can remove the sushi from the microwave oven and serve it immediately.

Is it safe to eat cold sushi?

It is possible to eat sushi cold. Sushi left in the fridge overnight can be revitalized by simply using lemon juice or rice vinegar. This process doesn’t involve heat and is best used on sushi with maki rolls, veggies, tempura, and ingredients that do not handle heat well. It is best done by using a paper towel soaked in lemon juice or rice vinegar and wrapping the sushi overnight in the refrigerator. This method will soften the rice and add flavor to the sushi. Ensure that the container used is airtight.

Is it OK to eat room temp sushi?

You can eat sushi at room temperature of 68-72°F (20-22°C).

What happens to sushi that’s reheated in the microwave?

Rice: The rice becomes moist and soft as the starches are reactivated. 

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Raw fish: The flavor of the fish becomes melded and deep therefore providing an improved texture. This benefit will only occur if you do not overcook the fish.

Nori: There is no change to the nori when heated. 

Vegetables: Harder vegetables with more starch will be fine when heated; however, You should discard softer options like lettuce and avocado.

Heating sushi without a microwave?

If a microwave is not available, you can use several different methods to reheat sushi safely. The alternatives include panfry, baked or in the oven. Each option will change the final texture and flavor of the sushi.


Panfrying is an excellent way to reheat sushi without destroying it. This method works great for sushi with ingredients such as inari, nigiri, or maki rolls. These will need to be pulled apart and then separated from any rice fillings. Panfrying sushi will make it crispier than before heating it. 


  1. Place all the ingredients into the pan with a tablespoon of heated oil. 
  2. Set the cooker to medium-high heat. 
  3. Pan fry the fish until you notice the fish is browned and slightly crispy on the outside but cooked on the inside. 
  4. You can also include drops of your preferred sauce for extra flavor and color. 
  5. Popular options include soy, teriyaki, and hoisin.
  6. Fry the sushi for about 5 minutes to fully preheat. 


Baking the sushi is the next best alternative, which can be achieved at a heat of 325°F. It is ideal to flip the sushi every four minutes to allow uniform reheating of the dish. The reheating process should take you about eight minutes to complete.  


  1. Place the sushi on an oven-safe plate.
  2. Place it in the center and set the oven to 325°F.
  3. Flip the sushi every four minutes. 
  4. When the sushi is slightly crispy on the outside, serve and enjoy.

How long does sushi last?

You should ideally eat sushi within 24 hours of being made. After this period, the quality rapidly deteriorates. It is best to eat it fresh to decrease the risk of illness. Sushi that has gone bad can lead to the consumer ingesting listeria and E.coli. The main ingredients responsible for this are the raw fish and rice in the sushi. 

See also  Can you get food poisoning from reheating prawns?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Heat Leftover Sushi?

Sushi that has been stored correctly can be consumed as leftovers. If the sushi was refrigerated and placed in an airtight container, it should be safe to eat. Sushi older than one day should be discarded. You can reheat leftover sushi with a microwave or oven. 

Can You Eat Sushi The Next Day?

Sushi can be eaten the next day. Unfortunately, the quality and flavor of the sushi will have decreased during this time. Any sushi held for longer than one day should be thrown away to prevent food poisoning. If the sushi contains raw fish ingredients such as shrimp, it is not safe to consume after 24 hours. These types of fish are prone to bacterial growth. It is important to smell your sushi, and if the smell is foul, do not eat it. 

Can You Freeze Sushi Rice?

Sushi rice can be frozen to be consumed at a later date. First, it is best to let it cool to room temperature before freezing it. Wait for two hours maximum, then freeze it in an airtight container or a freezer bag.

How soon should you refrigerate fresh sushi?

Sushi should not be left outside for longer than two hours after being crafted. Once you and your guests are finished eating, it is best to transfer the uneaten sushi to an airtight container. Be sure to keep it at the back of the fridge. This location will prevent any unwanted temperature fluctuation. The sushi must then be reheated and consumed within the next 24 hours.

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